Christians Guilty of Colonialism and Imperialism?
Skeptic of Religion Promoted Scientific Racism
Opposition to Big Bang Theory Because of Theistic Implications
Tertullian Prided Himself in Believing Because it Was "Absurd"?
Historicity of Jesus Relative to Other Ancient Figures
Galileo's Complex Relationship to Science and Religion
Christians in Medieval Era Thought Earth was Flat?
Darwin Converted to Christianity on Deathbed?
Intelligent Design Advocates Biased by Religion?
Impact of Christian Missionaries on Cultures
Bias in “Historical Jesus” Research and Lack of Consensus
Christian Historians Assume Christianity is True?
Jesus Invented by Ancient Romans?
Reliable History in Biblical Books of Acts and Luke?
Conflict View of Science and Christianity is Myth
Jehovah's Witnesses Wrong About Biblical Chronology
PBS' “Cosmos” Series Distorts Facts About History of Science
Scientific Method Promoted to Overcome Fall of Man in Eden
Intelligent Design NOT “God-of-the-Gaps” Argument
Christianity and Science not in Perpetual War
Jehovah's Witnesses Right About Jesus' Death?
Positive Impact of Protestant Missionaries
Atheist Criticizes Those Who Deny Jesus Ever Existed
Islam Correct in Denying Jesus’ Death on Cross?
Jesus Married as "Da Vinci Code" Alleges?
Ancient Israelite King David Really Existed?
“Da Vinci Code” Reveals Truth About Jesus?
Historian Indirectly Comments on "Religion Poisons Everything"
Growth of Science Slowly Destroys Christianity?
Middle Ages Were Not “Dark Ages”
Historian of Science & Religion Explains "Greatest Myth"